No more sweat. Body’s cooling mechanism shuts down.
Body cannot get rid of excess heat. Body temperature rises sharply.
Vitals organs stop working and start to get damaged.
Red, hot Skin.
Mostly, NO SWEATING. But profusely sweating also possible.
Body Temperature above 102OF (even more than 1040F possible)
Profound disturbance, confusion, convulsion,
Altered mental state.
Loss of consciousness etc.
40%-50% die even after getting medical attention
We have less than 30 minutes to save the life of the person.
Outcomes depends on the Degree & Duration of the elevated core body temperature
1. Start First Aid & Call for an ambulance immediately
2. Move the victim to a cool shady area.
3. Remove excess clothing & PPE
4. Cool the body of the victim as rapidly as possible to prevent damage to brain & vital organs.
5. Spray the person with cool water / Wet his clothes.
6. Fan the Person manually or use a fan or wind blower to cool.
7. Use Ice / Ice packs or Alcohol swabs if necessary (particularly in Neck, Arms pits, Groin, Soles of Hand & Feet.
8. Give ORS to drink if in a position to drink.
9. Be prepared to give CPR or artificial respiration.
10. Intravenous saline for rehydration necessary.